Looking to 2024 and reflecting on 2023 with our Managing Director...
"2023 could perhaps be looked back on as the year in which commercial passenger aviation bounced back from the far-reaching impact of the Pandemic, certainly in the markets where Bostonair deploys its range of services.
That bounce back will have been very welcome from a commercial perspective, but incredibly challenging from an operational deployment and robustness perspective, with one key root cause linking back to the availability of trained and competent people, whether handling agents’ staff, airport security staff, Pilots, Cabin Crew or Aircraft Engineers (and many operationally important roles in between).
Resource availability has been, is right now, and will continue to, present Airlines and MROs with challenges to deliver to their sold schedules agreements.
Some of those challenges may be partially offset by rising costs (fuel/people/services) leading to rising airfares, meaning capacity hits a ceiling/or load factors are traded for yield; and a combination of the primary aircraft producers falling significantly behind in terms of their committed delivery schedules, and challenges in the availability of Base Maintenance suppliers and engine overhaul shops.
The ongoing conflict tragedies we see affecting parts of our global community remain a primary concern for us all, both on a professional and human level. Bostonair continues to focus its energies in the 3 key ways, primarily ensuring that our core Customers continue to get the best possible service, whether that is Recruitment, Line Maintenance, Training, Compliance Services or Base Maintenance Support Services; secondly, we focus on our people, both from a retention perspective, a development perspective and of course creating innovative ways to connect with more talented people to support our clients (and our internal) future needs.
Lastly, we continue to talk to clients, both new and long-term, about how Bostonair can offer broader solutions to the challenges around resourcing that the organisation is facing. Therefore, 2024 will see Bostonair launch further services to the Industry, consolidate its position in the markets we are well set in and continue to focus on people, without whom we are nothing. Focus on improving Safety and improving Quality of service delivery will remain fundamentals to how we run our business, which is underpinned by a growing culture of continuous improvement."
We look forward to sharing our 2024 journey with you,